I love the ocean, but I hate the rain.

A short random musing about water.

Renée Gaillard
3 min readAug 21, 2018
Taken by Renée Gaillard in Barranco Village, Belize

God sent me the oceans

and I nearly drowned in it.

God sent me the oceans

and said her name was Hope.

I often think about water.

I think about how I use water — for nearly everything. How I depend on it to live. How we all depend on it. Yet many still do not have access to clean water despite its apparent necessity. I think about how we find several ways to monetize a thing we do not own nor created — from water bottles to hotel waterfront views. Or how we collect and control it with buckets and dams. I think about how we welcome water when it cleanses us in our showers. Or how we banish it when it soaks our shoes and socks. I think about how we move in water — whether when we try to test how long we can hold our breath or when we are gasping for it. I think about the numerous times I’ve walked along the sands of Belize with family or the seaports of coastal US cities and admired the repetitive way the water moves. I think about how water can both bring peace when you have fear and bring fear when you have peace. Or how it can be an indicator of something wrong such as a leaky roof. I also think about how humans are made up of about 60% water, yet we often do not consume as much as we should. I think about how although too much water can destroy, having just enough helps grow our plants and foods. I think about how whether we see the glass as half full or half empty, there is still water in it. Or how it takes the shape of the thing that holds it. Or how it often has two temperatures — one being the temperature that it already is and the other being the one we wish or perceive it to be. I think about how we transform a cup of water into something new like a cup of tea or some fruit-infused high energy power drink. I think about how large amounts of water can put out fires or tear down houses. Or how water can be toxic and holy. I also think about how my mother was once lost in a hurricane when she was only a baby, but how water gives life more than it takes. I think about how refreshing water tastes when I’m thirsty or how rejuvenating it feels when I’m washing my face. I think about how water reflects what it faces — no matter how frightening — and yet it continues to be itself.

Water is powerful. It can be both renewing and destructive. Both cleansing and erasing. Both peace and fear. Yet, whether we choose to glorify or dismiss it, water cannot be anything but what it is and cannot do anything but what it does.


Fun Fact: My zodiac sign is Scorpio and my life path number is 7 and as far as I know, both are tied to the element of water. Maybe that’s why I think about water so much.

Anyways, as a reward for reading, here are songs that make me think about or feel like water: Apple Music — hope you enjoy and remember to drink more water!



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